You who understood these truths have much to do. You must discipline yourself and waste not event a second of your life span. Be attentive and industrious in attending every class. Be regular in all walks of your life. What you can learn in one hour of study during the Priode of Brahmamuhurta (4 a.m. to 6 a.m.), you will not learn in four hours of study at other times. During Brahmamuhurta the mind is clam and it easy to concentrate. Whathever you study then will be indelibly impressd in your mind.
            Take pure and fresh food. Be regular in your studies and physical exercises. Regularity should be your watchword. Then you will have success in life. Chlak out a daily routine and stick to it. Regularity, punctuality and discipline go hand in hand and arm in arm. Often university students proudly adopt imitate the westerner in dress, manner, and  so forth. But have they imbibed from him the important virtues of punctuality and regularity. For instanc, to be always punctual means your spend and appreciate your life span consideratelyas time is indeed your life. One should therefore be punctual at all times.
            You should cultivate patience and persistence as well. No success in life or even at school or at work is possible without these qualities. As you might already know, all the famous persons of the world achieved greatness, success and eminence through patience and perseverance. A patient student always keeps a cool head and balanced mind. Hi is not afraid of difficulties and various sorts of obstacles and barriers. Patience helps you to  conquer your temper and emotion. It gives you immense strength. Always be cheerful and spread joy everywhere.
            Speak the truth and communicate with heart. Write in bold leatters the words. “ speak the truth and communicate with heart” and place it in your study and other prominent places in your house. Meditate upon the glory of truth. Never utter a single falsehood. Punis yourself by feasting if you tell a lie. Prove! You will soon get accustomed and etablished  in truth. Be honest, selfless, sincere and humble. Be free from selfishness, crookedness, cheating, hypocrisy, vanity and doble-dealing. The history of human being has already proven that selfishness naturally creates discord, disharmony, destruction, whereas selflessness leads to perfect peace, harmony, progress and happiess. Therefore, you should always be sincerity is the highest and greatest and greatest virtue.